


Video of the Webinar 31 March 2022: The impact of international sanctions on multinational companies

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine marked a prompt response from the EU and US economies.

This reaction includes a massive package of trade sanctions against Russia to secure the invasion terminates in economic defeat.

GPD – Gemma, Provaggi, De André is actively dedicated to ensuring guidance on navigating through the complex and dynamic sanctions and trade controls phenomenon and its global aftermath.

As part of this commitment, GPD is hosting a webinar, entitled “The impact of international sanctions on multinational companies”, on Thursday 31 March at 2pm (C.E.T.).

The webinar will feature top-notch international experts covering:
– an overview of international sanctions against Russia
– guiding principles on complying with the current sanctions scenario
– remarks on the implementation phase of international sanctions
– impact analysis on indirect trade with Russia
– further and recent developments

Video Webinar 31 March